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The Watch House COMPLETE mini-series

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The Watch House COMPLETE mini-series Empty The Watch House COMPLETE mini-series

Post by Admin Thu 6 Apr - 8:21

The Watch House COMPLETE mini-series

The Watch House COMPLETE mini-series VLSK

In The Watch House (based on a fine children's mystery novel by William Corlett) teenage Anne's parents are going through a divorce and she is sent to stay with old family friends Prudie and her brother Arthur in on the North East coast. Arthur is custodian of the old Watch House (which is next to his house) former headquarters of the Garmouth Volunteer Life Brigade. It has fallen into disuse over the years but Arthur would like to see it turned into a museum. As soon as Anne enters the Watch House she feels a strange presence and she soon discovers that it is haunted by the spirit of Henry Cookson, the man who founded the brigade. Cookson beseeches Anne for help but it isn't until she digs deeper with her new friends Pat and Timmo that she discovers that a more malignant spirit - a shipwrecker by the name of Scobie Hague is at the heart of the mystery. Underlying all this is the angst that Anne is going through with her parents break up - she wants to live with her father but her mother wants her to move in with her and her new man


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